Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishNamed & Typed Parameters with Default Values in TypeScriptA while back I started working on a new Electron + Vue + TypeScript project. Right away I anticipated that it would someday grow in…Jan 11Jan 11
Published inPython in Plain EnglishOne a Day One Liners with Python — Week 7Itertools ModuleFeb 12, 2023Feb 12, 2023
Published inPython in Plain EnglishOne a Day One Liners with Python — Week 6RandomnessFeb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Published inPython in Plain EnglishOne a Day One Liners with Python — Week 5Computational GeometryJan 29, 20231Jan 29, 20231
Published inPython in Plain EnglishOne a Day One Liners with Python — Week 4Working with FilesJan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
Published inPython in Plain EnglishOne a Day One Liners with Python — Week 3Matrix and Vector OperationsJan 15, 2023Jan 15, 2023
Genome Music Sequencer Update — The Data ModelA quick look at how the Genome maps concepts from genetics to music composition and sound designJan 12, 2023Jan 12, 2023
Published inPython in Plain EnglishOne a Day One Liners with Python — Week 2Text Pre-processingJan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023
Published inArtificial Intelligence in Plain EnglishChatGPT Generated DatasetsAn experiment utilizing the search and NLU capabilities of GPT-3 to create an entirely new dataset of album reviewsJan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023